there are two reasons i get my mail on a somewhat regular basis: Netflix and to empty all the credit card offers and coupon flyers out of my mailbox so that Buddy (that's his real name - we should all be on a first name basis with our postmen and women) can put more meaningless paper in it. but not this weekend. nope, this weekend was different. when i opened my mailbox, there was only a beautiful and unexpected gem. these gems are so rare and i feel so thankful and so lucky when i find them... rather, when they find me.
so there sat a single little green envelope. it was from a dear friend that i sadly, don't get to see very often these days. we used to have regular lunch dates, which always ended in me feeling a little better about myself. that's the sign of a good friend... a great friend. she's optimistic. she's a cheerleader. she's selfless. she's genuine. she's one of the best people i know or could ever think of, to have in your corner.
i opened the card as soon as i got to my car. on the front it said "you rock" and on the inside, she wrote "just a friendly reminder." i started to cry. i cried at the beauty of its simplicity. i cried on the thought and the gesture from someone i don't see or talk to very often, but is never too far from my thoughts. i cried because it's just what i needed to hear at that moment.
i've been thinking about what to say or do for her to show her the appreciation and emotion i felt. a simple thank you doesn't seem like enough. i could send her a card back? a Facebook post? a text? so here i am. this one is for you Dominator! because our days are happier when we give a bit of our heart rather than a piece of our mind... and you know how i love giving a piece of my mind.
so let this be a lesson on the importance of surprise and the unexpected in friendship or any relationship... because little random acts of kindness can really make someone's day. in fact, it quite possibly might just change their life.
...and that, is why you rock harder than anyone.
...and that, is why you rock harder than anyone.
"you can not do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late." -ralph waldo emerson